
Que Dios los bendiga a todos los que miran esta pagina.
Esperamos que sea de mucha bendicion. Estamos comensando una nueva etapa con los jovenes SOLDADOS DE CRISTO. Tenemos metas y fe que las vamos a lograr. Con nuestro Padre Celestial a nuestro lado todo es posible. Talves se pregunte quienes somos y el por que de esta pagina. Primeramente, somos jovenes que estamos enamorados de nuestro creador y tenemos hambre y sed del Dios Viviente. Estamos bajo la direccion del Pastor Brigido Ramirez de la Iglesia Vision Cristiana Internacional, en Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. El proposito de esta pagina es dar a conocer las maravillas de Dios y milagros que Dios a hecho en nuestra vida., Muchas veces tenemos cosas dentro de nosotros que no podemos expresar en nuestro hablar cotidiano pero si las podemos escribir con mayor facilidad. Asi, que, este es el sitio apropiado para hacerlo. para contactarnos, escribanos a la direccion electronica:
scofvancity@hotmail.com , e inmediatamente estaremos en contacto con usted. Dios les bendiga a todos y esperen por muchas sorpresas.


May God bless to all who will see this new blog welcome we hope that it well be a blessing. We are starting our new blog and its a new start for the youth CHRIST-SOLDIERS . We have lots of goals and faith that we are going to reach them with the help of our Lord Mighty beside us everything is possible. You might ask who we are we are youth that are in love with our Creator and are hungry and thirst for our living God. We are under the guidance of our Pastor Brigido Ramirez from International Christian Vision Church in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The purpose of this blog is for all those who have a doubt, question, comments or a testimony that God has done in your life take the liberty in writing it. Sometimes we have trouble in expressing ourselves by talking but in writing we can do so. In this blog you can do that, you can write the deepest things that you have in you. Just remember that please don't go over the limit. If anyone would like to contact us please feel free in doing so in writing us on the email address above and we will get back to you. God bless everyone and wait for lots of surprises!!


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NeoCounter 2


Posted by Soldados_D_Cristo

Recipe for a Miracle

1 cup Tension
2 cups Stress
1 1/2 teaspoons of Guilt
2 heaping cups of limited time
3/4 tablespoon of urgency
A dash of "No other Choice"
3 heaping cups of Faith
Fold ingredients gently into a bowl. Mix vigorously and add a few tears. you'll sweat a little as you knead the dough. Pack it firmly between your hopes and dreams and form into a perfect little ball. Sprinkle it with a little faith (I recommend Hebrews 11), rolling the ball in the flour until fully covered.
Place it under a veil of belief and allow it to rise. Put it in an oven that has been pre-set at the perfect temperature for the heat of trials and tribulations. Allow it to brown under the warmth of God's love. Remove after due season and allow to cool in the confidence of His promise.
Garnish with your praises. Arrange neatlyon a platter of thankfulness and serve to friends, families, and , oh yes, strangers....invite them too!
Pass on the recipe to all who request it and let them know that with this recipe, they have the makings of a miracle!

Author Unknown-


Posted by Soldados_D_Cristo


Posted by Soldados_D_Cristo

Hace mucho tiempo caminaba por el sendero
de la vida y me encontre un letrero que
deica "Tienda del Cielo" Cuando me di
cuenta ya estaba adentro. Un angel me
entrego una canasta y me dijo: Ten compra
con cuidado todo lo que un cristiano necesita
en esta tienda. Primero compre paciencia,
El amor estaba en la misma fila. Mas abajo habia
comprension, que se necesita donde uno vaya.
Compre dos cajas de sabiduria y dos bolsas de Fe.
Me encanto el empaque del perdon. Me detuve a comprar
fuerza y coraje, ya tenia la canasta lista cuando recorde
que necesitaba gracia y no podia olvidar la salvacionque la ofrecian gratis. Entonces tome bastante para salvarme y salvarte. Me dirigi a la caja y se me olvidaba la oracion,
la paz, la felicidad, por tanto regrese. Llegue al cajero
y le pregunte "Cuanto le debo?" El sonrio y me contesto
"Lleva tu canasta a donde vayas". "Si pero cuanto le debo?" El
otra vez sonrio y me dijo "No te preocupes tu deuda hace mucho
tiempo la pago Jesucristo"


Posted by Soldados_D_Cristo

As I was walking down life's highway many years ago.
I came upon a sign that read "Heaven's Grocery Store".
When I got a little closer the doors swung open wide.
And when I came to myself I was standing inside. I saw
a host of angels, they were standing everywhere. One handed
me a basket and said "My child shop with care." Everything
a human needed was in that grocery store.
And what you could not carry you could come back for more.
First I got some patience, love was in that same row.
Further down was understanding, you need that everywhere you go.
I got a box or two of wisdom and faith a bag or two. And charity ofcourse I would need some of that too.
And then some strength and courage to help me run this race. My
basket was getting full but I remember I needed grace and then I chose
salvation for salvation was for FREE I tried to
get enough of that to do for you and me.
Then I started to the counter to pay my grocery bill,
For I thought I had everything to do the masters will.
As I went up the aisle I saw prayer and put that in, for
I knew when I stepped outside I would run into sin.
Peace and joy were plentiful the last things on the shelf.
Song and Praise were hanging near so I just helped myself.
Then I said to the angel "Now how much do I owe?" He smiled
and said "Just take them everywhere you go." Again I asked
"Really now, How much do I owe?" "My child" he said "God paid
your bill a long time ago."


Posted by Soldados_D_Cristo

S>D>C . En Accion  

Posted by Soldados_D_Cristo

That's My King  

Posted by Soldados_D_Cristo

History Makers S.d.C

History Makers S.d.C

Super Mario Game